The Enthusiast's Guide To Pulsejets
A book filled with theory, practice, and advice
Last Updated: June, 2008

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Copyright © 2001 - 2009 to Bruce Simpson

"I have read the pulsejet book so far and I must say I am really impressed" - APDevelopments
"The book is terrific! It's plenty technical enough, but really readable." - Victor Scafati
"It is absolutely incredible! Very well written." - Peter Dilworth

Now available for download
If you'd prefer to download The Enthusiast's Guide to Pulsejets rather than wait for a CD then you can save money and purchase access to The download/update site for just US$32.

Purchasers of the online version will receive a login name and password usually within 24 hours of their purchase, giving them access to download the book and much of the other bonus material from the CD.

Free Update Released
no-weld pulsejet
A step-by step video shows you how to build this
pulsejet for around $20 using just regular hand-
tools. That's right, no welder or lathe is required.
If you already have a copy of the Pulsejet Book on CD, you will shortly be receiving a new disk containing an updated version of the book. This updated version includes much additional 3rd-party information, two extra chapters which show how to build simple but amazingly effective pulsejet engines from readily available pieces of stainless steel kitchenware and some interesting new video footage.

The first edition release of my pulsejet book is finally completed and is now almost twice as big, containing many valuable extra chapters on designing valveless engines, information on pressure-jets, afterburning augmentors comprehensive illustrated instructions and plans for building several different engines, my experiences on Scrapheap Challenge and Junkyard Wars, and much more.

Printed copies of the book will soon be available as a seperate item but in the meantime I'm releasing the entire volume, along with hundreds of megabytes of additional third-party material on a CD. Also included are additional pictures and video footage out of my own workshop that have never been seen before.

Bonus Material
The third-party material includes relevent NACA technical reports, historical documents, plans and other material which is provided as a convenience for the hard-core researcher or enthusast. Although much of this is freely available on the Net (if you know where to find it), getting it as a free bonus and compiled onto a single CD will likely save many hours of searching and downloading.

There are quite literally weeks worth of reading on this disk and, to the best of my knowledge, it represents the most information-filled reference work of its type currently available at any price.

A Much Needed Volume
Although there are a number of websites (such as this one) which provide some useful information on pulsejet engines, there are very few books on the subject and those that you can find are often written in a foreign language.

It was with this in mind that I set about writing a book on pulsejet engines and the principles behind them.

Here are some images representative of the contents:

Making it Easy to Build Your Own Engines
If you want to build your own pulsejet you'll find several chapters with plans, step-by-step instructions, plenty of pictures and and useful illustrations that document every step of the process.

Many of the steps are further documented by way of accompanying video footage in MPEG format that will play on any computer.

This book contains a large amount of material that hasn't been previously published and, as you can see, includes many new pictures renderings and illustrations.

For those eager to design their own engines, there's a chapter dedicated to the process of calculating the critical dimensions. No matter how big an engine or how much thrust you want, you'll find all the information you need in this book to design a valved or valveless engine that will do the job.

However, if you'd rather just build an engine from a set of proven plans, you'll find a selection of those included as well.

There's also a chapter which gives instructions for building the simplest pulsejet in the world -- one that can be constructed with little more than a hammer and screwdriver.

Model Airplane Plans
And, if you're a model airplane enthusiast too, there's a greatly expanded section on how to use pulsejets for this application along with an original set of plans for a pulsejet-powered RC delta-winged model and a pulsejet engine to power it with.

These are just a few of the many topics covered in this book:

  • How to design a pulsejet
  • Pulsejets for models
  • Constructional techniques
  • Powering things with pulsejets
  • Schmidt's contributions
  • Fuel systems
  • Improving pulsejet performance   
  • A simple guide to anodizing
  • Valveless pulsejets
  • The world's simplest pulsejet
  • Newton's third law
  • The Reynolds Effect
  • Pressure Jets
  • Designing valveless engines
  • Afterburning Augmentors
  • A Pulsejet Model Airplane
  • 6lbs-thrust engine*
  • 70lbs-thrust engine*
  • 200lbs-thrust engine*
  • Accidents and failures
  • * full illustrated constructional chapters with plans

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    Chrysler's Turbine-cars | How Pulsejets Work | Flying Platform | Metal Spinning | My Lockwood engine
    Starting a pulsejet | Making Reed-valves Last | Pulsejet-powered speedboat | The PDE
    Thrust Augmentors List of Sponsors | Master Site Index | The Pulsejet FAQ | DIY Cruise Missile
    Copyright © 2001 - 2009 to Bruce Simpson