This Site Is Copyrighted
Copying is theft
Last Updated: 28 December, 2001

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Copyright © 2001 - 2009 to Bruce Simpson

This site represents over a year's work (off and on) and is copyrighted to Bruce Simpson T/A FAB Jets.

Who's Stealing My Stuff Today?
Despite the very clear copyright notices on this site, unscrupulous fools are still stealing material from this website -- and possibly even from the CDROMs I make.

There is at least one, and possibly other CDROMs out there which contain unauthorized copies of information from this website and others.

One purchaser of such a CDROM (who claims he wasn't aware that the material had been pirated) came to my attention after several people reported this eBay auction was carrying pictures of my Jet-kart.

I've been in touch with the person concerned and he said that the auction was simply an attempt to resell a couple of CDs he bought in good faith from someone calling themselves Candice Wilson whose email address is

I'm following up on this and will take action as necessary to protect my rights.

Copying and Republishing Prohibited
Please note that the contents of this site (text, images, video, audio and any diagrams) are protected by copyright and are not to be copied, republished, compiled with other works into a collection, or used as the basis of a derived work without the expressed written permission of the owner.

Earn Money -- Report Theft
Anyone discovering infringements of this copyright is encouraged to report that infringement to me and I will share 50% of the net proceeds from any successful prosecution under copyright law.

Although copying and republishing is prohibited, linking to this site or any of its pages are encouraged. However, please do not link directly to any picture, video or other part of the site except a full webpage (.htm or .shtml)

Why So Tough?
Just in case you think I'm a bit tough in protecting my intellectual property rights I should point out that this site represents many hours of hard work which I'm happy to share with the Internet community but which I do not wish to give away.

I would consider it rather unfair if others took my work and chose to make money from it (either by compiling into a CD or by placing it on their own website and drawing traffic for advertisers).

I hope you understand therefore why I'm prepared to enforce my copyright through the courts if necessary and am prepared to share any damages I might obtain from such court action if/when successful.

More Info on Donating Home | Project Diary | My Tools | Contact Me | Links | My Gas Turbine Project | The Afterburner
Turboshaft Engine | Jet-kart | Pulsejet-powered Kart | Kitsets | Troubleshooting pulsejets
Contact me Valveless Pulsejets | Ramjets Explained | 100lbs-thrust pulsejet | Turbo-turbine FAQ
Chrysler's Turbine-cars | How Pulsejets Work | Flying Platform | Metal Spinning | My Lockwood engine
Starting a pulsejet | Making Reed-valves Last | Pulsejet-powered speedboat | The PDE
Thrust Augmentors List of Sponsors | Master Site Index | The Pulsejet FAQ | DIY Cruise Missile
Copyright © 2001 - 2009 to Bruce Simpson