Pulse-Jet Kitsets

last updated 13 March 2002

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Important Changes

The demand for these engines and kits has vastly exceeded my ability to manufacture and ship them within a reasonable timeframe.

This means that I'm not accepting any further orders until I've cleared the current backlog and organized alternative manufacturing facilities close to key markets.

My apologies if you're keen to buy but I'll update this page when arrangements have been made to meet the demand.

Questions, comments or communications are best directed to me through this form. If you're interested in a kit, send me a message and I'll contact you when they're once again available.

Bruce Simpson

Note that the specifications of these production kits has been enhanced from the originally proposed ones in the following ways:
Your's truly with a a well-worn PJ100i
Yours truly with a well-worn PJ100i weighing just 8lbs

  • They are all fabricated from high quality 0.5mm stainless steel rather than plain steel for increased durability, strength and light weight. All welds are performed with high-quality stainless steel filler material to ensure long-life and corrosion resistance. With use, the 304 stainless steel used turns an attractive deep bronze color that helps aid heat dissipation while running.

  • The original concept was to provide everything but the tailpipe -- now, those who want a lightweight tailpipe can also order one of those, making the resulting engines very light and suitable for model airplanes or other applications where weight is an issue.

  • They can be provided in regular reed-valve or valveless versions (note: the valveless versions develop about half the amount of thrust but have no reed valves so will run indefinitely without any kind of maintenance). The valveless and conventional heads can be interchaged freely to convert the engine from one mode to another in just a few minutes.

  • Completely assembled engines (welded rather than bolted like the kitset versions) can be ordered. The freight on these may be slightly higher due to the larger dimensions of the packaging but the overall weight will be lower and they will arrive "ready to run."
Electronic Ignition Module Available
The kits or "ready-to-run" engines can be shipped complete with an optional electronic ignition system that requires only the addition of a 12v battery and a regular automotive coil to operate.

Spare Valves Included
For those ordering the reed-valved version (or both the reed-valve and valveless heads), spare reed valves will be included with others available for a nominal cost.

Multimedia CDROM With Full Instructions And More
Also included is a CDROM which offers step-by-step instructions for assembling, starting, running and caring for your engine in PDF format (reader included) and MPEG video. Instructions on how to etch your own reed valves from spring steel or steel shim using a battery and regular table salt are also on the CDROM along with plans for an augmentor tube that can made very simply and is capable of boosting the thrust of the engine by up to 50 percent.

Note: the exact design of some components may differ from those shown as ongoing improvements are reflected in the design of the kit engine.
This kitset requires no drilling, no welding, and no cutting. The whole thing assembles into a powerful, reliable pulse-jet engine in just a few minutes with the tools provided and an adustable wrench.

With the addition of a length of exhaust tubing (or you can order the kit complete with a specially made lightweight stainless steel tube), battery, auto ignition coil and fuel, it is ready to run.

Advanced Features
When operated on Propane or LPG, the engine uses direct injection to provide faster, easier starting plus the ability to vary the power over a useful range.

Clever design of the kit enables kitchen-table construction with no special tools or equipment and easy maintenance. Because metric fasteners are used in parts of the construction two matching wrenches are included.

The kitset contains several major components:

  • The combustion chamber
    A welded 304 stainless steel chamber which is all ready to have the valve assembly and exhaust pipe attached by way of several small fastners (also supplied)

  • The valve assembly
    This consists of the following hand-machined components:
    • a turned and drilled aluminum valve plate
    • a turned and drilled aluminum valve limiting plate
    • a turned and drilled fuel injector or atomizer (you choose which)
    • three spare reed valves (The CDROM includes instructions on how to make your own replacement reeds but spares are available in packs of 5 for a nominal fee)

  • Ignitor plug and circuit-board
    A spark plug (replacements readily available) is included, along with an optional, specially designed pre-assembled, ignition circuit that only requires the addition of a 12 volt battery and auto ignition coil to function.

  • Instructional CDROM
    Full instructions and trouble-shooting information along with a comprehensive array of other documentation is provided on a CDROM that contains text, diagrams, images and video in formats that can be read on any regular IBM compatible PC. A special section on this CDROM is designed for educators or those who want to use a pulsejet as part of a science-fair entry and explains the theory of operation along with some interesting historical background.

  • Misc Hardware
    This includes the various nuts, bolts, washers, fuel tubing, wrenches, etc. required to assemble the kitset.
In order to turn these kits into a fully working pulse-jet engine the following additional items will be required:

  • Steel or stainless tubing for the tailpipe, length and diameter to suit chosen kit (unless the matching lightweight stainless steel tailpipe is ordered with the kit)

  • A 12v battery of at least 6AH for starting (motorcycle or auto battery is ideal)

  • A 12v auto ignition coil

  • Fuel (propane, unleaded gasoline, methanol or white spirit)

  • A fuel container/tank

  • a spanner/socket set or pair of adjustable wrenches.

Starting the engine will require the use of a leaf-blower or other source of forced air (a foot-pump will also work for the non-injected model).

A new PJ8 and well-worn PJ15

With wildly fluctuating international currencies and the need to recover the initial tooling costs for manufacturing these kits and engines I've had to work hard to make sure they are affordable.

I guess I could have simply charged "what the market will bear" which, going by recent auctions on eBay (auction 1, auction 2) could have been somewhere between US$300 and US$500 for the smallest ones.

Remember that the engines sold on eBay tend to be older designs, often in less than perfect condition and dating from the 1960's. Many of them appear to have been made in the former Soviet Union or are no longer in production and as a result no longer have any support or spares available.

My engines and kits come complete with the multimedia CDROM, spare reed-valves (where applicable), an optional electronic igntion system, and plenty of help and support through via the Internet.

It's not my intention to exploit fellow pulsejet-enthusiasts so I've priced my kits and engines by calculating the costs and adding a small margin to make it all worthwhile.

Note: All prices in US Dollars
Compare these prices to those charged by a competitor

PJ8, PJ8i4lbs (valveless PJ8V)$125$140TBA
PJ8V, PJ8Vi8lbs$125$140TBA
PJ15, PJ15i7.5lbs (valveless PJ15V)$155$185TBA
PJ15V, PJVi15lbs$155$185TBA
PJ30, PJ30i15lbs (valveless PJ30V)$230*$270*TBA
PJ30V, PJ30Vi30lbs$230*$270*TBA
PJ100i (valvehead only)100lbs$390* TBA
PJ100i (full kit)100lbs$445 TBA

* provisional price, to be confirmed

  • Due to its bulk, freight on a fully assembled 100lbs engine is quite high. If you want a fully-built unit please contact me to discuss the options.

  • The 100lbs-thrust kit (PJ100i) now comes with the tailpipe (broken down and ready for assembly) as standard and included in the kit price.

  • The 100lbs-thrust kit (PJ100i) is supplied with nozzles for both gas (LPG/Propane) and liquid fuel (gasoline, methanol, etc) use.
Model designations that end in an "i" are supplied with injectors for use with LPG or propane fuels. Other models are provided with an atomizer for use with liquid fuels.

Lightweight tailpipes for kitset engines (already supplied and fitted to built-up engines) can be purchased at the following rates:

PJ8 series$15TBA
PJ15 series$25TBA
PJ30 series$35*TBA
PJ100 seriesN/CTBA

The optional electronic ignition system (requires regular automobile ignition coil). The price of this optional fully assembled circuit-board is US$29.

Shipping Costs
Freight is additional with delivery by air expected to cost around US$45 to the continental USA.

For More Information
If you'd like more information or have a specific requirement, please contact me.

Pulse-jets are a simple yet powerful engine, capable of producing significant amounts of thrust but also producing large amounts of heat and high noise levels.

Because the application and operation of the engines built from these kits is beyond my control I can accept no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by their use or misuse.

These engines are not toys and should always be treated with respect for the levels of power and noise they produce as well as the potential fire risks associated with red-hot metal and flammable liquids or gases.

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Pulse Detonation Engines | Thrust Augmentors
homebuilt jet engines